Blaydon GP Surgery
Crawcrook Medical Centre
Grange Road Medical Practice
Rowlands Gill Medical Centre
Opening hours Monday to Friday (8am to 6:00pm)
Blaydon GP Surgery
Crawcrook Medical Centre
Grange Road Medical Practice
Rowlands Gill Medical Centre
Opening hours Monday to Friday (8am to 6.30pm)
Blaydon GP Surgery
Crawcrook Medical Centre
Grange Road Medical Practice
Rowlands Gill Medical Centre
Opening hours Monday to Friday (8am to 6.30pm)
Blaydon GP Surgery
Crawcrook Medical Centre
Grange Road Medical Practice
Rowlands Gill Medical Centre
Opening hours Monday to Friday (8am to 6.30pm)
Carbon Reduction Plan
In line with the UK Government's PPN 06/21 and the NHS's Net Zero ambitions, our Practice hereby present this comprehensive Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP). This plan addresses the necessary steps required to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or earlier.
Declaration of a Climate and Nature Emergency:
As our first step, we declare a climate and nature emergency, recognising the vital importance of prioritising sustainability and the environment. This declaration will be prominently featured on our websites, in our newsletters, on our social media channels, and as a standing item on our meeting agendas.
Emission Reporting and Reduction:
Our current emissions from UK operations, covering scope 1, 2, and a defined subset of scope 3 emissions categories, will be accurately reported in CO2e. We plan to focus on areas such as upstream and downstream transportation, waste generation, business travel, and employee commuting.
Optimisation of Inhalers:
We commit to reducing the number of metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) prescribed and will review progress regularly. We will focus on switching suitable patients to dry powder inhalers (DPIs) and will use tools like the NICE patient decision aid and respiratory review resources developed by Greener Practice.
Carbon Footprint Assessment and Reduction:
We will utilise tools such as the See Sustainability carbon calculator to identify and target areas of high carbon emissions in our operations. Actions will be taken to reduce our footprint, including switching to an eco-friendly stationery company, changing to LED light bulbs, and ensuring monitors are turned off when not in use.
Renewable Energy:
We will switch to a 100% renewable electricity provider, aligning our energy consumption with our environmental goals.
Green Banking:
To ensure that our financial operations align with our environmental commitments, we will consider switching to a green bank that supports environmental causes and does not invest in fossil fuels.
Environmental Prescribing and Treatment:
We will encourage non-pharmaceutical medical interventions, engage with the IIF polypharmacy reviews, and focus on preventative care wherever possible. Low-waste prescribing will be promoted, along with encouraging recycling options and patient-led ordering.
Environmental Management Measures:
We commit to implementing environmental management measures such as waste management, energy efficiency, and responsible procurement practices. We will strive to achieve certifications from recognised environmental management schemes.
Transparency and Regular Updates:
This CRP is approved by our Partnership and will be clearly signposted and published on our websites for transparency. The plan will be regularly updated—at least annually—to reflect our progress and any changes in our approach.
By implementing this Carbon Reduction Plan, we confirm our commitment to the health of both our community and the planet. We pledge to continually monitor, adjust, and improve our sustainability efforts to ensure we are on track to achieving our goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 or earlier.
NHS 111
Blaydon GP Surgery
01207 542 136
Crawcrook Medical Centre
0191 413 5473
Grange Road Medical Practice
0191 413 1399
Rowlands Gill Medical Centre
01207 542 136
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